Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Incorporation of my UK-based holding company

Considering a long-standing dispute of so-called "Packages situation 2003" I decided to convert my rights and interests that can be generated from it into the incorporation of my UK-based holding corporation with next main components:

1) Pearson Plc (me as the ultimate shareholder)
2) London Stock Exchange (me as the ultimate shareholder)
3) HSBC (me as 51% shareholder).

Other holding components may include certain shareholdings in a number of business entities between which on this occasion I would like to mention: Business Monitor International and Informa Plc. It is understandable that the inclusion of additional entities is supposed to be based on their willingness to be the part of my consortium.

Support of all kinds by agencies in charge of HM Government does not belong into relative inputs.

Davor Bilobrk Zekan
24th March 2015.